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The Bumper, beginner’s WingTsun

When starting WingTsun™, a student has to learn the ABCs of the system so that the student may later form sentences and then paragraphs which form the basis of the self-defense system. The first form is taught in stages, one third at a time.

The basic whole of the student grade material from student grade one through twelve is enough to form a very practical self-defense system. Even just learning a few basic hand defenses and chain punches coupled with the footwork up through SG Five would take care of many common attacks.

However a beginner cannot see how all the pieces are put together at first. It is as if we told you what a car looks like (you have never seen a car) without seeing all the parts put together. We bring out a bumper and tell you that this is the front of the car or the back of the car but this makes little sense unless you can see it. In WingTsun, you have to keep attending classes to see where and how all the pieces fit together.

All the pieces fit together like a precision watch or machine. WingTsun is a system. It works on concepts and uses universal physical forces. The concepts are consistent from technique to technique and all through the student grades. Even the formal wooden dummy techniques, learned at the instructor levels, retain the little idea learned in the first form. WingTsun does not use choreographed movements but rather skills and concepts that are old and wise but still modern as today.

- Keith Sonnenberg, Sifu

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