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Traditional Martial Arts vs Mixed Martial Arts - Comparison


Long list of personal benefits, including...

1) fitness, 

2) health, 

3) breathing skills, 

4) coordination, 

5) self-confidence, 

6) improved self-image

7) the sense that you are doing something that has long-term benefits

8) true self-defense skills.

9) Detailed training in one martial art system’s concepts for your complete understanding.

Fewer injuries based on surveys by reputable companies -

10) Philosophy and mental training.

Mixed Martial Arts

1) Fitness conditioning is very good but directed at ring fighting, not necessarily street self-defense or health for a long life.

2) Fighting skills highly developed for challenge matches but generally not suitable for most real-life self-defense encounters.

3) Almost 100% probability of minor to serious injuries. Injuries can limit participation in later martial arts, other sports. Hand, head, or foot injuries would greatly affect your quality of life.

4) Repeated impact to the head is now implicated in dementia later in life.

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#firnes #health #breathingexercise #coordination #selfconfidence

#philosophy #mentaltraining

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